Shore Points Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the meeting held November 19, 2015 at the Brigantine Community Center The meeting commenced at 7:36 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and introductions, with club president Rick Hitchen presiding. Eight voting members, and one guest were present. Club Treasurer, Bob Webb read the financial report for October. There was a complete accounting of all of the club's financial assets in the amount of $1,109.86. Rick motioned to accept the report, Art Masker seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting, held on October 15, 2015, were read by the club secretary, Dave Holmes. The minutes were amended, Rick motioned to accept the minutes, Gary Paul seconded and the motion passed. Repeater Report: Gary Paul reported that all is well with the repeaters. The Foxhunt will be rescheduled. A membership application was presented on behalf of Al Stoughton and accepted. The nominating committee presented its nominations for the December election for the 2016 calendar year as follows: President: Rick Hitchen Vice President: Bob McFadden Treasurer: Bob Webb Secretary: Dave Holmes Two Directors Positions: Art Masker and Rob Grachola There were no nominations from the floor and nominations were closed. Marie Conover's father passed away and she requested that we do not get her a card. The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM. Immediately following the meeting a 50/50 drawing was held. Rick drew the winning ticket which was held by Dave and the club netted $18.00.